Champions Arise Reading Consulting

Empowering Today’s Champions, Developing Tomorrow’s Leaders.


Your Child's Reading Adventure Begins Here!

Champions Arise Consulting is crafted with understanding and compassion for struggling readers and their parents. We recognize the challenges that come with supporting a child facing difficulties with reading and we are here to help! Explore our Gold Medal Services with tailored coaching, a wealth of resources, workshops and personalized support designed to make the learning process effective and fun. Your presence here is the first step to a brighter, more confident future for your young champion!

Our Mission

CAC is passionate and committed to the children that we serve, and to our mission of guiding and nurturing each one’s undiscovered potential. Our desire is not just to improve literacy skills but to instill a sense of joy, confidence, and curiosity in every child that we work with.

Every child can be a Champion Reader!

We aspire for nothing but the best for your child's future. Through engaging strategies, positive reinforcement, and a sprinkle of fun, we aim to transform challenges into triumphs and setbacks into stepping stones.

Our Services

  • Customized Reading Coaching

  • Small Group Guided Reading Instruction

  • Training and Support for Parents

  • Skills Enhancement Training

“I’m the voice of a grateful parent. You gave my son wings so he could fly. You ignited a flame within his soul; a passion to learn and grow…to never give up and always be willing to try. By building his confidence, you changed his life. We will always be grateful for you!”

— Mrs. T - Parent of Former Student

"Today a reader, tomorrow a leader."

— Margaret Fuller

Take Action Today.